
What I loved most about living in Berlin this summer was the family-friendly atmosphere just about everywhere. In my neighbourhood of Prenzlauer berg in particular there were dozens of parks and natural playgrounds, and best of all, Kindercafes! Coming from a typically grey and rainy hometown myself, I can completely appreciate parents’ need for a place to go for a break and for some time to commune with other adults, especially during those dreary winter months. Kindercafes offer a child-friendly environment where kids can play and be kids (noisy, playful, messy, crazy!) and parents can take a time-out and enjoy some top-notch kaffee and kuchen (coffee and cake)! What I loved most were the interesting menu items ranging from personalized pizza faces to homemade baby food, along with some super creative play spaces! Here are a few links to my favourites:

Cafe shoenhausen

Emma & Paul

Freund Blase



Cafe Kreuzzwerg

Keiz Kind

Aren’t these amazing? If I had a coffee shop dream, this is exactly the kind of coffee shop that I would want to have! And if I had any type of artistic talent, I would love to design one too! As it stands, I will stick with what I know: taste-testing 🙂